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Cricketers used to stare at me says Mandira Bedi

Mandira Bedi
Mandira Bedi

Bollywood actress Mandira Bedi has also had a close relationship with cricket. At one time, the actress was also a cricket host and anchor. The 52-year-old actress has played this role in many international matches. However, during this time, she also had bad experiences.

Sometimes Mandira Bedi's hosting skills were questioned, and sometimes cricketers used to stare at her. Mandira Bedi had said that sometimes she used to get scared of the antics of cricketers. The actress has already talked about her cricket-hosting experience. At the same time, once again, she has said a lot on this matter in an interview.

Mandira recently gave an interview to Curly Tales. During this, the actress recalled the 2003 Cricket World Cup. She said that then she was hired by Sony as the first female cricket presenter. But the actress was then stopped by Sony from reading people's comments.

Mandira said in her interview that, "At that time, we did not have social media, where you could see people's comments. We had the internet, but not like today. Sony kept me away from all that. They said you are not allowed to know what people are saying. They blocked all that for me.

What I learned from my cricket days is that in life there will be people who will like you, and then in life there will be people who will not like you. So be grateful to those who like you, and don't try to please those who don't.'

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